Friday, November 6, 2009

T-square's cookbook

As I'm sure everyone has notice, but I think T-Square is beginning to copy us. The first message that pops up is about a T-Square cookbook. This cookbook is technically instructions on how to use T-Square, but I find it unnerving because it looks like someone else has the cookbook project too or the like there is an announcement about the cookbook. I know this isn't directly related to food but it makes me wonder if the T-Square staff knows about this blog and the class project. The link for the cookbook is


  1. Yeah, I noticed that too! I wondered the same thing. I bet that the people in control of T-Square realize that our classes are about food. Have you checked out the cookbook? Is it useful?

  2. I mean T square can try and be as good as the P4 foodies, by creating their own little cookbook. In all honestly, they wont succeed.

  3. At least our blog doesn't randomly stop working and decide to keep a whole university from doing its assignments...

  4. Who could resist this blog? If we influenced the T-square staff, then more kudos to us ;)

  5. Hoho... it's interesting.. Actually, I haven't noticed it before, thank u for pointing out~
