Sunday, November 29, 2009

Inviting? or Stay Away?

The other day my friends and I went to go see a movie at Regal and afterwards we dropped off my friend back at her dorm at Emory. We passed by this restaurant called Lettuce Souprise You and my first though was, "Aww, how clever!" But then I sort of gazed at the restaurant a little too long for its own good and realized how creepy it seemed to be. The name of the restaurant had a witty little play on words that caught my attention but its outer appearance did not look inviting at all. It looked a bit rundown and its location was one I’d be hesitant to step out of the car from. And the only picture I could find online of it doesn’t help its case. I don’t think I want a souprise anymore.


  1. It doesn't look that bad from the picture as you say it to be. By the way where is this restaurant located.

  2. It actually doesn't look that bad.

  3. I love puns!!! I use them for my blogpost titles sometimes...
