Sunday, November 22, 2009

TV Show

This morning I watched a Korean TV show called Infinite Challenge. In this show, basically famous Korean comedians doing something that seems quite impossible. The episode that I watched was about food. Their mission is to introduce Korean food to new yorkers. Member of the show are all guys so they were terrible at the beginning. One person made a soup that tasted like cigarette. Well, as time progress they improve.
There is two teams, each team has three members. They do compete each other just like Iron Chef. I don't know if you guys would like it, but I would post a link to the video as soon as find the one with english subtitle, Chinese subtitle... etc.

but.. for now.. here's the link(no subtitle).

infinite challenge


  1. Thats different, imagine Dane Cook trying to introduce food to people in Korea. I can definitly see how they struggled at first. Comedians just dont know a lot about food, and people can get picky about the food they eat sometime.

    Michael Miller

  2. Even without knowing what they are talking about, I am still entertained watching that show. I believe it's a really to release stress that way--use normal things in abnormal ways to produce crap.

  3. I think it is always hard to introduce a new food to people who do not know anything about the culture it came from. I am sure the show was meant to be funny though, so I can see why they used comedians.

  4. I like watching Korean TV shows and I believe that I have watched Korean shows like this one with Chinese subtitles. I enjoyed watching it a lot~

  5. Their cooking reminds me of something that would happen if I tried: I would miss something obvious or burn something. Oh the joys of cooking.

  6. theres a similar show in india to where they try and introduce the indian cooking in other places..dont quite remember the name now but indian cooking isnt quite easily accepted as it seems to be too spicy for everyone..

  7. Looks like an interesting concept. I like it. I'd definitely give it a viewing when I have time.
