Sunday, November 29, 2009

Authentic Chinese food&Turkey

For my first thanksgiving in America, my sister brought me to visit her aunt, Jun, in Alabama, and enjoyed the authentic Chinese food, which totally surprised and satisfied me!

On Thursday, turkey and hot-pot became our lunch and dinner~

As soon as the turkey was taken out of the oven, the kitchen was full of its aroma. Crispy turkey skin shined, inviting us to have a bite.

Hot-pot is my favorite! We had tofu, mushrooms, meat, crab meat, fish balls, needle mushroom  and so on. And the hot-pot was indeed spicy enough! Thanks to Jun, we had such a great meal~

For the last day in Jun's house, he made three Sichuan dishes: sliced beef and ox tongue in chilli Sauce, squid with pickled peppers, and boiled beef. they were all spicy dishes, and reminded me of Chengdu, my hometown with countless delicate cuisines.


  1. Being born and raised in the midwest, I am not familiar with Authentic Chinese food. But with that said, all of this food does look very good.

  2. It looks like you had a very special Thanksgiving. I like the 'Chinese cuisine meets Thanksgiving' concept.

  3. It's really nice to finally taste some authentic Chinese food! Good for u!
