Sunday, November 1, 2009


So I went out for Halloween, having fun and all. I got back around 2 a.m. before the throw back in time. Some of my hall-mates and I were hungry. So we ordered pizza. Now when this happened, three things occurred. First off, I found out that Domino's pizza delivery guys don't know where Bobby Dodd Stadium is. Next, while getting the pizza, I encountered a guy that, when drunk, thinks that because he was locked out of his dorm, he had to fight everyone around. Finally, while watching V for Vendetta and eating pizza, I learned that guys are the only ones that love to eat at 0400. So Halloween was not only a night of fun, but a night of understanding. All in all, Halloween weekend was the best ever!!


  1. Halloween is fun, but your story has little to do with halloween. Those odd things happens all the time. Maybe you should dress up to scare the delivery guys. That would be fun.

  2. What happened to the halloween candy? I guess that's part of the understanding/growing up process

  3. Why were you watching V for Vendetta early? Remember, remember the Fifth of November. Maybe the drunk guy was going to challenge the pizza guy to get some food.

  4. the delivery guy and the drunk guy are all can the delivery guy don't know where Bobby Dodd Stadium is?!He works just near GT! And the poor drunk guy..he might found out that the next day he lied on the ground with a black eye~

  5. Isn't it amazing how much you learn in college?! 1. Don't get drunk on Halloween, you'll lock yourself out of your dorm. 2. Don't expect delivery guys to know where anything is (even a stadium). 3. Guys and girls have completely different eating habits. Nothing compares to what we experience living in the dorms.

  6. That sounds like an experience to remember. How did the pizza come out? But yes Halloween/pizza can teach people many things in the strangest ways.

    Michael Miller

  7. Amen! Halloween weekend was incredible! I haven't had that much fun in a long time!

  8. Actually the pizza ended up great! So did the movie! The entire weekend was an experience of a lifetime that I will never forget...well at least not until next year!
