Saturday, November 28, 2009

So Kong Dong

My friend Jesse visited me from Athens this Wednesday.

He picked me up from my dorm. I did not go to any of my classes but stayed on campus working on my Blog assignment #4. By the time I was done, it was pretty late. So Jesse and I decided to go get some Korean food from So Kong Dong.

I have introduced So Kong Dong before on this Blog. I am glad that I can actually put up some pictures. I ordered a combo of Tofu Soup and Korean BBQ. They were very satisfying.


  1. *_* Looks so delicious. What is the entree called (the bottom right pic)?

    My final project group did the cookbook over Korean dishes and that one looks very close to Galbi. :)

  2. That looks tasty, I love korean barbeque, the best Ive ever had was at L.A. I got go try some Korean barbecue in Atlanta sometime.

  3. Yes.
    The entree on the bottom right is called Galbi.(:

  4. The food looks really good. i might try that place some time.

  5. Wow. The food looks great. Like the third picture you have up, I've noticed that at Korean restaurants they give you a lot of side dishes
